The word count limits for different sections are specified as following: Theory and Biopolitics ranging from 5.000 to 7.000 words; for Dialogue and Cinema,  maximum 5.000 words; for Book Review maximum 3.500 words; for Sumpsimus maximum 800 words; the other articles out of these sections maximum 5.000 words. 

Authors are required to send their articles with abstracts (max 300 words). Abstracts should be written in English and Turkish. Authors should also include keywords (max 6 keywords) that are central to the articles.


All the articles should be written accordingly with APA style's sixth edition.

Book (one author)

Intratextual reference:
If the name of the author is not mentioned in the text and the book is referred: 
(Hegel, 2018)

If the name of the author is a part of the sentence, publication date should be mentioned in parenthesis: 
Hegel (2018) düşünsel olanın alanına bir ilerleme gözlenebildiği için gerçek Felsefeyi Parmenides’in başlattığından söz eder.

If a certain page is to be referenced, the author's surname, publishing date and page number should be given in parenthesis: (Hegel, 2018, p. 234)

Book (two authors)

(Peters and Bulut, 1992)
(Peters and Bulut, 1992, p. 45)

Book (more than two authors)

While citing works with three, four and five authors, only the first reference in the text is given the surnames of all authors. For other references, the expression "et al."  should be added next to the first author's surname.
(Bloch et al., 2006)

Secondary Sources

If the author of your reference is quoting from another author, intratextual reference should be such:
(quoted from Aristoteles in Hegel, 2018, p. 235)

If the author of your reference is quoting from another author and the name of quoted author is mentioned in the text, intratextual reference should be such:
(quoted in Hegel, 2018, p. 235)

If the reference is to more than one source, these are mentioned in the same parathesis as such:
(Hegel, 2018; Adorno, 2017; Elgür, 2013)



One authored books:

Elgür, E. V. (2013). Felsefenin Arzusu: Politika. İstanbul: Nota Bene.

If the same author published more than one book in the same year:

Mengüşoğlu, T. (2014a). Felsefeye Giriş. Ankara: Doğu Batı. 
Mengüşoğlu, T. (2014b). Kant ve Scheler’de İnsan Problemi. Ankara: Doğu Batı.

Two or three authored books:

McTaggart, J. and McTaggart, E. (1999). Studies ın The Hegelian Dialectic. Kitchener: Batoche Books.

More than three authors:

Bora, T., Erdoğan, N., Üstün, İ., Bora, A. (2011). ''Boşuna mı Okuduk?'' Türkiye'de Beyaz Yakalı İşsizliği. İstanbul: İletişim.

No author:

Biz De Duvar Yazısıyız: Türkiyeden Graffiti. (1989). İstanbul: Metis.

Compiled book:

Kartal, O. (Ed.), Biyopolitika: Platon’dan Arendt’e Biyopolitika’nın Felsefi Kökenleri, İstanbul: Nota Bene.

Book chapter:

Kelekçi, Ö., Bozok, N., Akbaş, M. (2018). Ara Sıra Yaşam Umudu. A. Bora, K. Dede (Ed.), Ütopyalar: politikayla arzunun kesiştiği yer (p. 157-181) içinde.  İstanbul: İletişim.

Translated book:

Santillana, G. D. (2013). Seçme Metinlerle Rönesans Filozofları. (İ. Yıldız, A. Gelmez, Trans.). Ankara: Dipnot.


Sadler, P. (2003). Strategic management. Access


Article in printed journal:

Özdil, K. (2013). Biyoteknolojinin Vaadi. kampfplatz, 1 (2), 171-194.

Article in online journal:

Hull, C. L. (1997). The need in thinking: Materiality in Theodor W. Adorno and Judith Butler. Radical Philosophy. 84, 22-35. Access

Doi numbered publications:

Jeannot, T. (2010). The enduring significance of the thought of Karl Marx. International Journal of Social Economics, 37(3), 214-238.

Other Sources

Newspaper Column:

Sherwood, H. (20 June 2014). Global refugee figure passes 50m for first time since second world war. The Guardian.

Newspaper Column (Online):

Akça, K. (29 September 2008) Yeşim Ustaoğlu filmini anlatıyor. Radikal. Erişim: 15 October 2008,

News text in newspaper (No author):

Exploration of the Coast (24 November 1987). The Guardian.

Web sites:

Factory Gloom worst since 1980. Access: 21 October 2008,


Broom, S. (2002). Daylight [Photograph]. Manor Art Gallery, Manchester.
Cedar, M. (1938). Mars at Night [Sculpture]. Manor Art Gallery, Manchester.

TV Series:

Esther Martínez Lobato, E. M., Pina, A., Santander, J. G., Roa, P., Sancristóval, S., Barrocal, D. and Morales, E. (Authors) and Colmenar, J., Rodrigo, A., Bazzano, A., Vivas, M. A. ve Quintas, J. (Directors). (2017-2018). La casa de papel [TV Series]. J. Colmenar, P. G. Caja, N. Manubens, E. M. Lobato, S. Martínez and Á. Pina (Productors). USA: Netflix.


Ergun, C. (Productor) and Kavur, Ö. (Director). (1987). Anayurt Oteli [Movie]. Türkiye: Odak Film, Alfa Film.